How Does Platinum Resistance Thermometer Work?
What is a Platinum Resistance Thermometer?
Resistance thermometers are a type of sensor used to measure temperature. They are also known by a number of different names including Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), Platinum resistance thermometers (PRTs) or Pt100 sensors. Resistance thermometers are usually used to measure temperatures between -200 and 500°C.
How does a platinum resistance thermometer work (PRT)?
Resistance thermometers work by changing resistance with a change in temperature in a repeatable manner. Resistance thermometers are made from a length of platinum that is either wrapped around a ceramic or glass core or has been deposited on a ceramic base. All resistance thermometers manufactured by Peak Sensors comply to international standards as defined in IEC 60751:2008 (Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometer Sensors).
Also known as: RTD, PRT, Platinum Resistance Thermometer, Pt100 Sensor, Pt1000 Sensor, Pt500 Sensor, Pt200 Sensor.
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