Peter Walks 50km for Parkinson’s UK
Peter Smith, Founder and Director of Peak Sensors successfully completed his challenge to walk 50km, for the charity Parkinson’s UK, on Sunday 26th July 2020.
Peter was originally going to undertake the Peak District Challenge on Saturday 4th July 2020, walking a 50km route starting and finishing in Bakewell. Due to the event being cancelled and the changes to our everyday life, Peter has decided not to give up.
On Sunday 26th July 2020, Peter walked with his wife on the Derwent Heritage Way between his home and Chatsworth Park twice to complete over 50km.
The walk was unsupported and started early at 05:09am from Calver. They took their time to complete the walk with regular rests and food break along the way. The weather was cool and dry, with one short shower halfway through the challenge.
Peter finished walking around 6.30pm, after over 12 hours, 64,831 steps and reaching 51.4km. Peter successfully completed his 50km walking challenge. He walked further in a day than he has ever done before.
The Peak Sensors team are proud of Peter for walking over 50km in one day and raising money for Parkinson’s UK.

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